We are taking part in Plastic Free July®

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.

At Verco we are mindful of the impact of plastic and work to reduce the amount of single-use plastic in offices. The Overmoor office has recently become a community ally for the Plastic Free Community movement, pledging to reduce single-use plastic items, promote our stance on single-use plastic in communications, and raise awareness while supporting the community.

Plastic free July pledge

This plastic free July, our staff are taking part to actively reduce plastic used for lunch time during the last week of July by pledging to the following:

  • Bring own reusable bags when shopping
  • Use refillable drink bottles and reusable cutlery
  • Not use plastic wrap
  • Bring own containers for takeaway food

Plastic free knowledge share

We are also sharing suggestions for how to reduce plastic in our day-to-day lives.

Soft plastic recycling

Soft plastics, such as crisp packets, bread bags and pet food pouches are notorious for being difficult to recycle as they typically can't be put into your Plastic Recycling Bin at home, along with your other plastics.

Each Verco office now has a Soft Plastic Recycling Bin. Any soft plastics used at work (or home) can be added to the bin and staff volunteers will then take this to the nearest Soft Plastic Recycling Point.