Take a look at our B Impact report for 2023!

We have now submitted our B Impact report 2023, which reviews our progress over the year and defines our targets to be an even better B Corporation in 2024, using business as a force for good. This article takes a look at some of our B Corp highlights for 2023.

Looking back at our 5th year as a B Corp, there are many things to be proud of. Our largest impact on the environment continues to be through our client work, providing solutions to their net zero challenges and supporting them within their carbon reduction goals. But just as importantly are our values and intentions within Verco. We have continued to develop our commitment to reduce our own carbon footprint and to make a positive impact on our commitment to reduce our own carbon footprint and to make a positive impact on our communities and the way we work.

Our people at Verco

This years’ B Impact report has a running theme focused on our employees at Verco and provides views on how they feel being part of the Verco family, how they support our values and how they thrive to achieve impressive carbon reduction results with our clients.

“We wouldn’t have the reach or level of positive impact that we do without the focus of our dedicated and committed Verco team which continues to provide world class innovation and strategy services to support the drive to reduce carbon.

It’s also a moment to appreciate our exceptional clients who remain as passionate about the planet as we are, and similarly our suppliers and partners who enable the platform from which we’re all able to flourish. We work with great people on amazing things and this keeps us humble at the size of the task and passionately on our toes.

Collectively, we’re making a difference.”

Helen Reed, Director People and Wellbeing

Joining together with shared values

2023 was a year that marked a key moment and a new beginning in the global reach of our services through joining the BIP group, an international consultancy with a sustainability business centre. Fundamental to any sale of the business was ensuring shared beliefs and operating principles existed around business integrity and workforce culture and as BIP UK already holds B Corp certification, our alignment was clear. We're delighted that new joint business opportunities are opening up avenues for wider career development and progression for our team, bringing an enhanced level of possibility and aspiration to our employee career paths and the opportunity to work on new exciting projects.

Working for a B Corp

“Working for a B Corp company has become increasingly important to me as a marker of an organisation's progressive commitment to a set of unfolding standards that take into account our commercial impact on planetary responsibilities. Being B Corp accredited at Verco means the things that are deeply significant to me - welfare, diversity, the environment and the community are reflected in the fabric and foundation of how the business operates. I'm involved in our CSR committee where I'm influencing Verco's B Corp factors, and this has broadened my scope of appreciation for the fundamental change that B Corp is bringing to a growing number of businesses.”

Hannah Pankiw, Consultant

Continuing to adapt to have a positive impact on the world we inhabit

We have many exciting plans set for 2024. We will be reviewing our own carbon footprint, with the aim to reduce our Scope 3 emissions, as well as looking into the same from our supply chain. We have already contributed to BIP’s Science based target at the beginning of this year, and it is currently being validated. We will be making it a key priority to continue working to create a more inclusive workspace for our current and future team.

“Whilst Verco continues to deliver on it’s vision and mission, as you’ll see through these pages, our operating principles continue to be heavily aligned with and influenced by B Corp. 2023 saw new challenges opening up in the markets within which we operate, but we are always thinking of new ways to adapt, grow and have a greater positive impact on the world we inhabit.”

Dave Worthington, Managing Director

Take a look at our B Impact report 2023

Download our Impact report to see what we have achieved and what our plans are for development in the five B Corp categories of Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

Download the report

If you’d like to hear more about our services, our activities, or talk to us about what it’s like to be a B Corp, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us here