Take a look at our latest B Impact report!

We are proud to be a B Corp, using business as a force for good. We think further than the environmental impact we are making and consider the wider societal impact on our team, communities and clients. Being a BCorp has given us a foundation on which we can continue to grow and develop. A supportive, open community, where we can better understand best practice, and new initiatives. A benchmark where we can strive to improve, making changes which have a lasting effect.

We have recently submitted our B Impact report 2022 which takes a look at what we achieved last year and defines what we are doing to push ourselves even further in 2023.

A lot to be proud of in 2022

Looking back on 2022, there has been a lot to celebrate. We were recognised as a ‘Best for the World’ B Corp in both the Workers and Governance categories, we won the Energy Institute Award for Energy Management with our client CCL, won major global net zero strategy projects in the real estate and brewery sectors; developed net zero pathways and targets for companies from a wide range of sectors covering over 16 mtCO2, and have seen significant growth in profit and team size whilst maintaining our goals, values and purpose.

Exciting plans for 2023 and beyond

Looking ahead, we’ll be continuing to grow, whilst working with our clients to provide market-leading strategy, delivery and reporting solutions to help them progress towards net zero carbon, whilst also expanding our software and data solutions.

Take a look at our B Impact report 2022

Download our Impact report to see what we have achieved and what our plans are for development in the five B Corp categories of Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.

Download the report

“Thank you to our fantastic team that keeps driving us forward, to our fascinating clients who are so committed to the Net Zero challenge, our suppliers who are working with us to keep improving, and to the innovators, forward thinkers and optimists in our sector and the world over who continue to inspire us. This is very much a team effort.”

Helen Reed, Wellbeing Director.

If you’d like to hear more about our services, our activities, or talk to us about what it’s like to be a B Corp, we’d love to hear from you.

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