Posted by Jack Edwards

Webinar: The net zero benefits of occupier engagement and how to achieve them

Even the most energy efficient building with state-of-the-art heating and cooling systems needs to be run well in order to meet its full potential. Although some real estate investors and asset managers may feel that they can have more impact and control by focussing on scope 1 and 2, there are considerable benefits to be had from addressing scope 3 through occupier engagement.

From extensive work with leading real estate clients, our teams have a good understanding of what works in the real world and the sort of gains that can be made from a good occupier engagement approach.

Webinar: The net zero benefits of occupier engagement and how to achieve them.


In this webinar, Senior Consultant from Verco, Jack Edwards and guest speaker Grace Hamer, Occupier Engagement Manager at Cadogan, discuss how occupier engagement can reap rewards, as well as showing you the best route to take. They present:

1. Why you should bother with occupier engagement as part of your net zero strategy (and the results this can achieve).

2. Tried and tested strategies for achieving engagement and what you should consider when weighing up the different options.

3. How to go about getting tenant data. Based on our extensive experience of working with real estate clients, we will describe what works well.

The webinar has already taken place but you can watch a recording here:

Register to watch a recording of the occupier engagement webinar

Guest speaker: Grace Hamer, Occupier Engagement Manager at Cadogan

Cadogan’s 93-acre Estate in Chelsea pays host to a rich variety of occupiers – residential, office, leisure, medical, schools, churches – whose operational emissions represent well over half of Cadogan’s carbon footprint. Occupier engagement on this front is thus a key priority, and is central to Grace’s work at Cadogan, where she has been primarily focusing upon delivering the scope 3 elements of Cadogan’s net zero pathway for the past 2 years. Grace previously led on sustainability reporting at Landsec, and prior to that worked with numerous large corporates to develop and progress their supplier engagement programmes at CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) in Berlin.

Occupier data collection and engagement service brochure