Net zero glossary: All the terms you need to know

Those with responsibility for net zero in their business need to have an understanding of the climate disclosure legislation which sits alongside this.
Staying informed is no easy feat, particularly as those who need to meet the requirements in their roles have many other responsibilities as well. For example if your company is privately owned, based in the UK, with over 500 employees and a revenue greater than £500m, you'll need to be making disclosures consistent with the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) scheme, Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, and in coming years, the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) disclosure framework. You may also need to consider the IFRS S1/S2 standards, and potentially even EU regulation such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

Mandatory requirements need to be met in order to avoid the penalty of hefty fines and accusations of greenwash, so it's not something that can be ignored.

Verco has teams of enthusiastic experts who not only keep up-to-date with requirements and changes, but also help to shape them too. We act as technical advisors to policymakers working on climate change. We have put together some useful resources to help you with the challenge of net zero reporting and you can access them here:

Net zero glossary - all the net zero terms you need to know.

To help you understand the myriad of net zero terms, download our net zero glossary which includes net zero regulations, standards and frameworks, ESG ratings and sustainability initiatives. It's a very handy reference for anyone with net zero responsibility in their business.

Net zero glossary

Indicative assessment of your reporting requirements - share the report with your teams.

If you want to check which schemes your business should be participating in, take a look at our online reporting scanner. Simply complete the short questionnaire on our website for an instant, shareable summary of the key environmental reporting requirements that could apply to your business, along with an overview of each of the relevant schemes. For a more detailed assessment, our team are happy to help.

Take me to the questions!

Here to help you achieve zero - disclosure services for you.

We help our clients to navigate the 'alphabet soup' of legislation and respond to all of their mandatory and voluntary disclosure requirements. You can be confident that we have all of the details covered so that you can get on with achieving your net zero targets.

Factories and industry

Climate disclosure and transition plans

Real estate

ESG data and reporting partner service