Net zero transition in real estate 2023: Take the survey

A lot has happened in 2022: While the world continued to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, record high temperatures were measured across the globe, energy prices and inflation soared, putting us at a high risk of global recession. While the climate crisis was at the forefront for some, there has also been a backlash by others, and many regard the outcomes of COP27 to be insufficient to avoid the worst excesses of climate change.

There has however, been huge momentum in clarifying and defining a path to net zero; in March the UN launched an expert group to help steer non-state net zero commitments, in November ISO released a set of net zero guidelines, and throughout 2022 various industry bodies have developed new frameworks and updated pathways to guide corporate entities to net zero.

In real estate, the industry is seeing a shifting sentiment toward net zero, with many prominent industry actors integrating sustainability in their post-Covid recovery plans. Over the course of 2022, a number of prominent net zero bodies (such as the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, PCAF, the SBTi and CRREM) have released guidance which might be useful to property and land owners, managers and investors.

The net zero agenda and its applicability to real estate continues to evolve, with a variety of publications already set for release in 2023.

The survey has now closed but you can download the report here:

Download the real estate net zero transition report 2023