Verco conducts 5 day deep dive in Dominican Republic

Last month, three of our engineers from the corporate team visited the Cervecería Nacional Dominicana (CND) brewery in the Dominican Republic for a 5 day deep-dive. The objective for the visit was to identify a comprehensive list of energy and carbon reduction measures and to develop a future concept for the thermal integration of the site. We were joined by other specialists from the client who were looking at other areas such as process improvements. The site has an ambition to achieve carbon neutrality with the vast majority of decarbonisation coming from maximising energy efficiency and onsite generation. In they wish to achieve this ambition in a very short timeframe.
This work was supported by the data generated by an energy balancing and benchmarking tool Verco have developed with the group company. The tool known as the Site Water and Energy Efficiency Planner (SWEEP) which asks sites to allocate its utility consumption across all end users and then calculate benchmarks based off the other 175+ sites entries. The data from this is extremely beneficial in that can quickly help us to identify areas which are likely to show potential for optimisation. This study is a one of a number of key decarbonisation studies we are expecting to complete for the client over the next year and follows on from recent similar studies completed in Europe, South America and USA.