Posted by Andrew Todd

Verco Insight: ESOS - reflections one year on

One year ago, energy consultants, ESOS lead assessors and in-house sustainability professionals all around the country breathed a collective sigh of relief as ESOS reports were completed and compliance achieved. On the anniversary of the extended deadline, Verco's Head of Energy and Resource Management, Andrew Todd, reflects on what we learnt from the first compliance period.

Using a combination of publicly available information, Verco's own experience and outputs from a series of interviews with ESOS participants, we examine how the market responded to the ESOS policy and the impact it has had.

2016 was touted by many as the year of implementation and we look at the barriers encountered when trying to realise the savings highlighted in ESOS reports. We also take a brief look ahead at what might be different for the second compliance year in 2019.

Read the whole insights here