Verco partners with RTC to lead a working group for decarbonisation of thermal loads

Verco have recently partnered with the Renewable Thermal Collaborative to lead a pilot “projects working group”. The purpose of this group is to identify potential areas of collaboration for large thermal energy consumers. The group are addressing the challenges of decarbonising thermal loads. The most exciting part is that we are developing collaborative projects to overcome the challenges and have a meaningful impact.
The aim is not to repeat any work or initiatives that are currently underway, instead provide specific tools, insight or in time, actual technology pilots which address specific yet common challenges. The plan is to have a rolling cycle of projects identified, scoped and presented to the group. If there are enough companies willing to participate and co-fund, this will break away into a separate workstream.
Participants from across the globe
There are currently around 25 companies participating in the group which have operations in more than 100 countries around the world. Examples of participating companies include Unilever, Heineken, Pepsico, GSK and Kimberley Clarke. There has been no shortage of areas of interest with the “shortlist” of project ideas growing all the time. Since the group formally started in April we have spoken to all the companies participating to understand their current priorities and areas of interest. Based on this insight, we have now developed the first two project specifications.
- Decision making framework for CHP intallation. This will enable companies to make the optimal decision when looking at new and existing CHP installations.
- Feasibility tool to screen applications for heat pumps. This will aid the initial screening of opportunities when looking at the application of heat pumps in industrial processes.
Membership requirements.
Being a member of the RTC is not a requirement for participation in the group (although most members either are or in the process of becoming members as they see the value in the wider RTC membership – more information about the RTC can be found here) but a willingness to participate and co-fund a potential project is important.
Join us!
If you recognise some of these challenges and feel that this might be something that your company would be interested in getting involved with, either in the Projects Working Group or RTC more generally please let us know and we can arrange a short introductory call. Alternatively, more information can be found in the RTC webinar introducing the group:
Watch RTC webinar which introduces the projects working group