Verco partners with the Renewable Thermal Collaborative to accelerate thermal decarbonisation

Verco have partnered with leading sustainability industry convener Oliver Hurrey to lead the Renewable Thermal Collaborative’s projects working group. This new group will be focused on developing collaborative project ideas aimed at accelerating progress in the area of renewable thermal energy. The group is a combination of around 30 consumer brands, a combination of existing RTC members and other non-members, such as Mars, Unilever, PepsiCo, Kimberly Clarke and GSK. All the members of the group share the collective challenge of decarbonising their heat usage across global portfolios and are committed to finding collaborative solutions.
The pilot phase begins
During the pilot phase we will be working with the members to collect challenges and collaboration ideas developing them into defined projects which members can chose to participate benefiting from both sharing the cost as well as working with their peers. We already have a long list of potential project ideas ranging from the shorter term issues such as understanding the role CHP can play and how to best integrate heat pump technology to longer term considerations such as full electrification of heat or the application of low carbon fuels such as hydrogen.
The group will convene regularly over the coming months the to prioritise project ideas, review project proposals and commit to proceeding with those which have enough interest.
Join us
If you relate to the challenges faced by thermal decarbonisation and would be willing to participate in a collaborative project please get in touch for more information.
About the Renewable Thermal Collaborative
The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) is the global coalition for companies, institutions, and governments committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities, dramatically cutting carbon emissions. The RTC is the only place to focus on renewable heating and cooling and where large thermal energy users come together collaboratively to understand the problems in the market, learn from each other, and overcome these barriers to renewable heating and cooling.